Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A New Year

I don't have a lot of pictures from 2009. I guess that I need to get my camera out more, but I thought that I would post some updates on Hannah's progress. She seems to be growing more and more every day and doing more "tricks" all the time. Yesterday, she went from her back to sitting up. She has also started crawling more, but mostly just going backwards. Hannah does not quit moving, she rolls all around to get where she wants to go. You have to keep a close eye on her. I can only imagine how fast she will be when she is walking. She is working on a couple more teeth right now. They have not popped through yet, but they are close. She is also talking a lot more. It sounded like she said "Dada" a few times, but it hasn't been too consistent. She definitely likes to laugh a lot :) I guess that she gets that from me. Hannah is definitely a joy in our lives every day.

Hannah likes her hat and mittens from Grandma Klendworth

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