Sunday, June 10, 2012

Hannah's 4th and Chloe's 2nd birthday

 Hannah "helping" grandma make the princess cookies for the party the next day. 

 I ordered crowns, castle, and glass slipper cookie cutters online.  We made the cookies for decorating and then also used the cutters to make the turkey and cheese sandwiches. 

 Chloe trying to ride Hannah's bike. 
 Ayden, Chloe, and Hannah in their princess dresses waiting for the party to get started. 

We served Belle's Turkey and Cheese sandwiches, Snow White's apples, Mulan's melon salad, Cinderella's cheese, Ariel's goldfish, Mrs. Pott's popcorn, and Jasmine's jewels for lunch.  

Each of the girls had their make-up and jewelry done and their picture taken.   This is Isabella Schrandt. 

We also had an "art station" for the girls to decorate castles and crowns.  
 We had a cookie decorating station.  Hannah liked putting on a lot of sprinkles on her cookies. 

 The girls danced to princess music while we were getting ready to eat lunch. 
 All the little princesses.  Ayden, Chloe, Abby, Ashley, Hannah, and Sasha (top)
Maddie, Stella, Ashley, Isabella, and Myra (bottom)

 Our special guest, Sara Murphy, dressed up as Mrs. Potts to have a special storytime.  She read "Beauty and the Beast" and "Princess and the Pea".  
 The girls both took the candles off to lick them.  Unfortanately Chloe still can't eat birthday cake because of her egg allergy, but she enjoyed her chewy chocolate chip cookies. 
 After the party we went to Soldier's Field park to play. 

Then we went to Silver Lake to feed the geese.  The girls loved it. 
Hannah really enjoyed feeding the ducks.   

Cam threw bread in the middle of the geese and it scared the girls.  It was pretty funny, then they realized that the geese would move if they ran in the middle of them.  
For the girls actual birthday we went to Storytime at the Christian Bookstore in town.  Then we went to Silver Lake Park to play and have a picnic.  For dinner we had cheese pizza from Mr. Pizza, one of the girls favorite places to go.   We asked the girls what they want to be when they grow up.  Hannah at dinner said that she wanted to be what her mom is, but on the video camera she said that she wanted to be an astronant.  Chloe said that she wanted to be "3" when she grows up.  It was really funny!

  Hannah got her first tennis racket. 

 Chloe got her first soccer ball. 
 Chloe was really excited about the princess bubble set from her great grandma. 
The girls got a new sandbox from their Aunt Tiffany and Uncle Chris. 

Random moments in May

Chloe managed to get into the pantry and dump an entire extra large box of Rice Krispy cereal on the floor. 
The girls were "helpful" with cleaning it up. 
Chloe is starting to show a lot of interest in going potty.  We are waiting to officially potty train until after baby arrives, but hopefully she will be easy like Hannah was :)  She definitely tries to be like her big sister and do things like her all of the time. 

Cassie's mom with her 3 granddaughters on Mother's Day morning.  They are wearing their matching dresses from her. 
I could not get them to smile no matter what I tried. 
We went to Whistle Binkies on the Lake for Mother's Day brunch.  It was hard to believe that just 2 years prior to that on Mother's Day weekend we were driving to the same place when we were hit by the drunk driver.  We are very thankful that God had bigger plans for us. 

The girls LOVED playing in the sand as we waited for our table for lunch. 

The girls kissing the new baby.  I am about 36 weeks at this point.  The girls are SO excited about the baby's arrival. 
Sisterly love!! 

36 weeks

The girls both went to gymnastic class at JETS for a month.  They were in seperate classes.  Chloe was with Andy or I for her class and then Hannah was by herself, but they had the same teacher.  They both really enjoyed it! 
Chloe's favorite part was doing somersaults and the bar. 

Hannah's favorite part was the bar and the trampoline.