Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The life of the Kumpels these days

We are very busy these days, but loving life none the less. Hannah is keeping us entertained on a daily basis by what she says and does. She is now talking in full sentences and repeating a lot of what we say. We have to really be careful.

So Hannah has done a really good job of pooping mostly in the potty since she was about 13 months. It is pretty incredible, but sometimes we have moments like these. Look closely under the princess potty.

This is her after the pooping experience, running around with no pants on all of the over the house. The whole time proclaiming how she is "nakee"

Just enjoying the moments of having a toddler to put on your shoulders.

I am now 34 weeks pregnant.

In the midst of being 34 weeks pregnant and running after a toddler. We are trying to finish our basement. Andy has done an incredible job. Here are the "progress" pictures. This is the wall that will have built in shelves and the TV.

This is the rest of the main room with a wet bar and a play area for the girls. We will also have a bedroom and bathroom in the basement as well.

Hannah insisted that she wear her high heels and pajamas around one morning.

Hannah and I made May baskets to take back with us on our trip to Erie. I told her to smile for me and she looked at the camera and said "Cheese". It was so funny!

Our "little" helper

Hannah is quite the little helper these days. She always wants to try to help. As she says , "I try" in her cute little voice.

She kept saying "Again, again" so that she could vacuum some more.

Then we moved on to something not quite so loud.

She even wanted to sweep the rug.

This is just a cute picture that Andy took one morning that he got her ready. Notice the cute pigtails and everything. He was quite proud.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


We had a good Easter this year. Andy played Jesus in the Easter Musical at our church on Palm Sunday. He did a great job!! It was one of the best Easter musicals that I have ever seen. Andy even rode a donkey into the church.

Hannah loved wearing her very girly pink dress from her Grandma Klendworth. She said that she was wearing her "pretty pink dress".

We attempted to color Easter eggs with Hannah. She wanted them to all be pink, but we did make some of each of the colors. She had fun putting the stickers on them.

Hannah got tired about half way through coloring eggs.

The final product.

On Sunday we had a mini Easter egg hunt at our house. I hid the eggs for Andy, Becky, and A.J. Then I basically just put Hannah's out in plain site. She was so cute. She was so excited when she found each of the eggs. She kept saying, "Mama, more eggs!"

Hannah found her Easter basket on the back deck. She took the eggs from her one basket to put them with all of the eggs from the egg hunt.

She was most excited about the Wheat Thins that I gave Andy. She wasn't that interested in the chocolate in the eggs.