Monday, September 24, 2012

A few firsts while enjoying the summer

             Chloe getting her first hair cut.  It was time to get rid of the mullet.

                            The girls love making silly faces.

                     Lily at one month old.  She is getting big so quickly. 
We went to Erie for the weekend to visit Cassie's family.  We had a great time.  The girls loved swimming in Grandma's pool.

 Grandma Pam thought that Lily needed her own swimming suit.  Isn't she cute?!?!

 Grandma got a new slide.  Hannah loved it!  Chloe was not as impressed by it. 
 Hannah started ballet this summer at Janet Lang Dance Studio. 
 She really enjoyed it and is excited about taking classes again this fall. 

                                      Chloe loving on her sister

                Chloe sporting the silly face again.  She is just too cute!

Adjusting to family of five

The girls really like the baby bouncy chair.  I think that Hannah and Chloe have gotten more use out of it than Lily between them using it for themselves and their baby dolls. 

 Chloe is "feeding" her baby with my hooter hider and boppy pillow.   
 Hannah saw this shirt saying "It's not easy being a princess" and she said "mommy, who made this shirt, they are lying."
 Lily's first holiday, Fourth of July.  The girls don't quite understand the importance of holding Lily's head, but they really enjoy anytime that we let them hold her. 
 The girls LOVE their new sister so much. 
 2 weeks old and already is smiling.  Lily is super expressive. 
 Grandma Debbie came to visit us for a week in July. 
Aunt Elizabeth came back as well to visit. 

Lily 1 week old

Here are a few of the pictures that we took of Lily when she was a week old.  We are a little slow at getting them finished.  I guess that is what happens with the third child. 

Lily is probably not going to appreciate this picture in the future, but I think that it is too cute because it shows off her cheeks. 


Coming home and Chloe's new room unveiled

Lily is all ready to go home for the first time. 
Cassie's mom's birthday was the day that we got out of the hospital.  So we asked to leave as early as possible in the morning so that we could take her out for lunch to celebrate.  I guess we really like to have birthday parties on the day that we leave the hospital since we did the same thing when we brought Chloe home from the hospital :) 

Andy's sister, Elizabeth, stopped in on the 23rd on her way to Illinois from California.  We are so excited that they have moved closer to us. 
Andy did a fabulous job on Chloe's new room.  He showed it to Cassie a couple days before Lily arrived, but no one else saw it until after she was born since no one knew what we were having besides Andy and I.  
We did a good job of keeping it a secret.  A lot of people were convinced that she was a boy.