Sunday, July 20, 2008

Cabin in Northern MN near Bemidji

Andy, Beth, Kathryn, Hannah, and I went up North to stay in Kathryn's family's cabin. We had some fun adventures. We went to the Mississippi headwaters at Itasca State Park. Andy and Kathryn pulled down a giant broken branch using ski ropes. You had to be there to understand just how insane it really was.

Just some cute pictures of Hannah

Getting ready to go to Foster Arends

I am a very happy baby! I started smiling a couple of weeks ago, but I am a little shy around the camera. Here is the best that you get for now :)

Andy's parents visit from Washington

Andy's parents were here visiting over the Fourth of July. We had a great time with them. Andy and I even got to go on our first real date to celebrate our sixth wedding anniversary while they were here.