Sunday, December 7, 2008

Hannah is growing so quickly

Wow, being six months is such a fun age. It seems like she is doing or trying new things everyday. This week alone she sat up on her own for an extended period of time, crawled a little bit, drank from a sippy cup, sat in her booster chair, ate "real" food, had two teeth pop through, and had her immunizations. She is now 14 pounds, 5 ounces and 26 inches. What a week!!

Hannah sitting by herself and playing with her toys

Hannah getting ready to eat.

She doesn't really like the carrots too much right now. Hopefully she will start liking them more as time goes on. I decided to make my own baby food, so maybe that is the trouble. I am not too much of a cook :)


Hannah's first Thanksgiving. We went to Beloit, WI to celebrate with Andy's family. All of the Venne kids were able to be there, so it was a nice full house at Aunt Sue's. We had a great time visiting with family.

One of the two tables at Thanksgiving

Hannah laughing as usual.

Hannah with Uncle Phil and Aunt Elizabeth. Phil had the magic touch to make Hannah laugh a lot. We all wish that they lived a lot closer!!

Hannah hanging out with Great-grandma Kumpel

Hannah getting lots of love from Great grandpa Kumpel

Hannah with Grandma Kumpel and the "Cow, Giraffe, Dog" You had to be there to understand.

Hannah has gotten good at taking off Daddy's hat about as fast as he puts it on her. It is a fun game that they like to play.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Hannah's first snow day

Hannah was not sure what to think about the snow. It was definitely slippery for her. She was sliding all around in her shoes.

"Okay Daddy, it is cold. Take me inside now."

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Our house was the only house that Hannah went trick or treating, but she still had a good Halloween. After trick or treating, we had a cul-a-sac party.

Our cute little skunk

Daddy and Hannah.

Aunt Tiffany and Hannah
Max was a hot dog. It looks like Hannah wants Max to go into her bag. He was her "treat" :)

Matthew, Becky, and Izzy came by trick or treating. Izzy loved Hannah.

Pumpkin Patch

We went to the pumpkin patch with the Fusion group from church. Hannah loved it. I can't wait until she is older and can do more of the activities.

Hannah going down the slide

Andy went down the big slide

We went in the corn maze.

Trip to meet the newest member of the family, Ayden

We took a trip back to Erie to see Ayden, who was born September 14th. We had lots of fun!

Hannah and Ayden before Ayden decided she was too full :)
Here is the picture in the process.

We put the girls in their Halloween costumes, since they would not be around each other on Halloween. Ayden is a monkey and Hannah is a skunk.

Hannah liked Anna, Cam and Jessi's dog.

Our "little stinker"

Tiffany and Chris with Hannah

Tiffany and Chris with the girls

Our little Brown Eyed girl.

Just some cute pictures from October

Hannah loves "naked time" She loves to be able to grab her feet and roll around.

Hannah has also learned to blow bubbles. It is so cute!!
Hannah loves her tummy time

She is very determined to start crawling.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Angora Lake

This is Angora Lake. It is located off of the beaten path. You have to hike a mile in to get there. The only motorized vehicles allowed are the ones that the resort owners use. There are cabins that are open during the summer, but there is a really long waiting list. The last time we were here Andy went cliff jumping, but it was a little too cold this year. I was very relieved.

Aunt Sue, Hannah, Andy, and Mom

While we were in Tahoe, we also got to visit our friend, Emily Bateman and meet her fiance, Aaron. Unfortunately I forgot to get a picture of us. It was nice to catch up with them.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

The wedding day

The whole family

Tired baby

Andy's parents and the newly married couple

Andy and his sisters

Christina, Me, Elizabeth, Kristine, and Kelly

Hannah and her cousin, Mary

John, Josh, David Jr., David Sr., Kristine, and Peter Hornbek.
Mary is missing from the picture